Your Climate Presentation
This page is filled with great tips, to help you talk about climate change and create or refine your climate presentation, including:
The Power of Climate Storytelling
Birds, Turbs and Words – How Language Affects How We Think
How to Create a Compelling Climate Reality Presentation
Truth in Ten - A sample of what your first presentation might look like
The Power of Climate Storytelling
Jothsna Harris, the director of community engagement at “Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy” was our featured speaker at our chapter meeting on 5-12-2021.
All of us are eyewitnesses to climate change. Given the imprint of climate change all around us, it has become increasing clear that … we all have a story to tell. In this time of disinformation, the truth of our personal stories matter. Jothsna demonstrated how our stories can serve as a powerful tool to communicate about the reality of climate change and inspire solutions.
To learn more about Climate Generation, and climate stories, visit:
Birds, Turbs and Words – How language affects how we think
This is an excerpt from a Zoom recording of our chapter meeting on May 12, 2021. In addition to our main speaker, chapter members are invited to give short presentations. During this clip, chapter member Hobie Stocking shares a presentation on wind turbines, birds, and how language affects how we think.
How to Create a Compelling Climate Reality Presentation
Presented to the Atlanta Chapter by Hobie Stocking
More of Hobie's videos can be found on the Atlanta Chapter's YouTube site:
Truth in Ten