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Upcoming Events

August Chapter Zoom Meeting Special Date!
Monday August 19th, 2024 6:30pm-7:30pm 
Speaker: Tim Fremouw
Topic: IRA and MN Energy Efficiency Rebate Updates


Join us on a special date as chapter co-chair Tim Fremouw gives an overview of the Inflation Reduction Act provisions and the State of Minnesota rebate programs, with an emphasis on recent updates and updated timelines for implementation of specific programs.

This information will help chapter members in general as well continue to advise the public about the free money coming from the federal and state government to help us electrify our homes, but in particular is meant to prepare folks who are tabling at the State Fair this year. So be sure to attend this meet to keep your knowledge of the programs up-to-date.

State Fair

MN State Fair Tabling
Aug 22nd - Sept 2 

Tax credits, rebates and incentives to reduce carbon emissions, improve comfort, protect health and save you money!

For the second year in a row, our chapter will join the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society in staffing exhibits in the Eco Experience building at the Minnesota State Fair.

​This is a great opportunity to share information with visitors from throughout our region, and to help others take advantage of the IRA Tax Credits. Please consider signing up for at least one shift!

Together with MRES, we will staff the event 12 hours a day, during all 12 days of fair, which runs from Thursday, August 22 through Monday, September 2, 2024.

Volunteering includes free admission to the fair and a new t-shirt. You can sign-up for one or more 4 hour shifts (9am-1pm, 1pm-5pm, 5pm-9pm), at MRES is also contacting last year’s volunteers. To get the shift(s) that you want, consider signing up early! (In addition, please email so that we know which shifts you are covering.) Please choose an INDOOR shift, as that is where our IRA table and computer kiosk will be!

While our chapter’s main focus will again be tabling on electrification incentives, there is no absolute guarantee that you will be covering the IRA table, especially if more than one CMC volunteer signs up for the same shift. (A list of chapter members is on our website, under the password protected MEMBERS tab - check the chapter update for the latest password )

Just like last year, it is likely that you will be asked to keep an eye on several exhibits, but it is all fun, related to renewable energy and easy basic stuff (things like solar, wind and heat pumps). A description of this year’s indoor and outdoor exhibits can be found at

Note that MRES will provide mandatory training on Thursday, August 15th from 5:15pm-8:00pm at Mayflower Church, 106 E Diamond Lake Rd, Mpls), with about 5 minutes on each exhibit. During the training you will receive your State Fair ticket(s) and t-shirt as well. Then, we will cover the electrification incentives in greater detail during our chapter Zoom meeting at 6:30pm on Monday, August 19.

PS: Recently, the MN Commerce Department indicated that they don’t expect the IRA rebates to be available until the spring of 2025. However, we can still alert visitors as to what to expect. (See our webpage at


They have, however, published the 2024 Area Median Income figures for Minnesota counties at . The figures are based on household size and it is expected that they will be used to help determine which rebates one qualifies for. See our incentives web page for further details.

Note:  Chapter meeting invitations are sent to all current chapter members a few days before the event.   Membership is free and open to all trained Climate Reality Leaders and the public.  If you join ( less than a week before a meeting or event, please email and ask for an invitation or follow the registration link on this page.

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