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Past Events

October Chapter Zoom Meeting
Thursday October 10th at 6:30pm CT
Speaker: Diana McKeown, CERTs Co-Director and the Metro CERT Director at the Great Plains Institute
Topic: EV 101 & EVs in Greater Minnesota


Fun Fact: Diana was one of the first 1000 “climate messengers” trained by Al Gore in January 2007

This presentation includes information about electric vehicles, and Minnesota’s charging infrastructure.  If you already drive an EV, you are invited to share your experiences with us during the Q&A/discussion that follows the talk.


Topics include:


  • The types of EVs (battery, plug-in hybrid, plain hybrid)

  • EV Adoption in Minnesota

  • Types of EV chargers

  • Minnesota EV charging infrastructure, including in greater MN

  • EV Benefits

  • EV Batteries

  • EV incentives (very brief) + Utility incentives on chargers

About the Speaker: Diana McKeown joined the Great Plains Institute in July 2013 and is one of three Co-directors for the statewide partnership CERTs (Clean Energy Resource Teams). Diana led the metro region of CERTs since October 2007, before becoming CERTs Co-director in 2023. Over the past 31 years, Diana has coordinated and participated in several clean energy initiatives, campaigns, partnerships and coalitions including Mercury Free MN, POWER Coalition, GreenStep Cities and Cities Charging Ahead! And most recently is coordinating the MN TA Collaborative on behalf of CERTs. Prior to joining the CERTs team, Diana worked for over 14 years at Clean Water Action Alliance of MN. Diana holds a BS in environmental studies from the University of Minnesota. 

MN State Fair Tabling
Aug 22nd - Sept 2 

Tax credits, rebates and incentives to reduce carbon emissions, improve comfort, protect health and save you money!

For the second year in a row, our chapter joined the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society in staffing exhibits in the Eco Experience building at the Minnesota State Fair.

​This was a great opportunity to share information with visitors from throughout our region, and to help others take advantage of the IRA Tax Credits.

PS: Recently, the MN Commerce Department indicated that they don’t expect the IRA rebates to be available until the spring of 2025. However, we can still alert visitors as to what to expect. (See our webpage at


They have, however, published the 2024 Area Median Income figures for Minnesota counties at . The figures are based on household size and it is expected that they will be used to help determine which rebates one qualifies for. See our incentives web page for further details.

August Chapter Zoom Meeting Special Date!
Monday August 19th, 2024 6:30pm-7:30pm 
Speaker: Tim Fremouw
Topic: IRA and MN Energy Efficiency Rebate Updates


Chapter co-chair Tim Fremouw gave an overview of the Inflation Reduction Act provisions and the State of Minnesota rebate programs, with an emphasis on recent updates and updated timelines for implementation of specific programs.

This information will help chapter members in general, as well continue to advise the public about the free money coming from the federal and state government to help us electrify our homes and make other energy efficient improvements.

July Chapter Zoom Meeting
Thursday July 11th, 2024 6:30pm-7:30pm 
Speaker: Paige NovakDepartment Head of Environmental Engineering
University of Minnesota
Topic: Water, Wastewater, Energy and Climate Change


About the Speaker: Paige Novak is a Department Head and the Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Novak’s area of interest is the biological transformation of hazardous substances in sediment, groundwater, and wastewater, resource recovery, and particularly how engineers can influence these processes. She has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering.

Paige was an Aldo Leopold Leadership Program Fellow in 2009 and has been the recipient of several awards, including the Sara Evans Woman Scholar/Leader Award in 2013, the Bill

Boyle Educator of the Year Award in 2013, the Samuel Arnold Greeley Award in 2011, and the Paul L. Busch Award in 2007. She was named Fellow of the Water Environment Federation in 2016 and of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors in 2019. From 2013 to 2019 Novak served on the National Research Council’s Standing Committee on Chemical Demilitarization. She recently finished her term as the Editor in Chief of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology.

June In-Person Potluck 
Sat June 15th, 2024 11am-2pm 

Bryce Hamilton Studio
3112 W 28th St Minneapolis MN


The next in-person meeting of the Central MN Chapter was held June 15th. We tasted some great food, and saw what we had in store for the rest of the year.


Instructions held over for future events:

As we’ll need to setup tables and chairs, we’d appreciate knowing if you plan to attend. So if you are coming, please RSVP to .

As to food: You are welcome to bring a bag lunch or something for the potluck. As the studio includes a full kitchen, Bryce will provide plates, glasses, silverware, water and more.


If you are willing to bring something for the potluck, please sign up for one of the items listed at this link:


After clicking on the link, scroll down to the available slots. Then:

  1. Pick a category (Main Dish, Beverage, et cetera) by selecting the “Sign Up” button for that category.

  2. Click “Save & Continue”

  3. Enter the specific foods in the comments field

  4. Fill in your name and e-mail (you do not need a Signup account to sign up)

  5. Select “Sign Up Now”

  6. Confirmation appears - you’re good to go

May Chapter Zoom Meeting 
Thursday May 9th, 2024 6:30-7:30pm 

Topic: MnCIFA
Speaker: Peter Klein, MnCIFA Interim Executive Director


Peter Klein, Executive Director of MnCIFA presented an overview and update on the activities of the Minnesota Climate Finance Authority (MnCIFA).


The Minnesota Climate Finance Authority (MnCIFA) was established “To accelerate the deployment of clean energy projects, greenhouse gas emissions reductions projects and other qualified projects through the strategic deployment of public funds in the form of grants, loans, credit enhancements and other financing mechanisms…”


In this presentation, Peter Klein, executive directive of MnCIFA goes over the goals and functions of the organization.

April Chapter Zoom Meeting 
Thursday Apr 11th, 2024 6:30-7:30pm 

Topic: Regenerative Agriculture
Speaker: Don Viecelli, Chicago Metro Chapter of The Climate Reality Project


Don Viecelli of the Chicago Metro Chapter of The Climate Reality project gave us an introduction to the fundamentals of Regenerative Agriculture.

This educational meeting covered topics such as:

  • Farm soil depletion and climate change

  • How regenerative farming and agroforestry can help

  • Regenerative and agroforestry practices

  • What we can change using the Farm Bill

  • How can we advocate on behalf of conservation in the Farm Bill?

Don Viecelli was raised on a 160-acre family dairy farm in Central Michigan and is concerned about industrial farming methods that have degraded our topsoil, polluted our waterways and oceans with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, lowered food nutrient values and harmed our environment. He believes Regenerative Agriculture (RA) practices and solutions can help save our planet faster and more cost-effectively than other technological means by drawing down excess Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering hugh amounts of Carbon back into healthy, living soil.

He is a Climate Reality Project Leader trained in July 2020. He currently serves as a Chairperson for the Regenerative Agriculture Campaign committee for the Chicago Metro Chapter and is Co-Chair of Climate Reality Project Regenerative Agriculture Coalition advocating for the 2024 Farm Bill. He retired from a Senior Product and Marketing Manager career in 2015 for several high-technology companies in the Chicagoland area. He currently lives in the Chicago area with his family.

Click on the button to view this presentation!

Chapter Zoom Meeting 
Thursday Mar 14th,
2024 6:30-7:30pm 
Chapter Objectives and Activities for 2024


The March membership meeting of the chapter was held, where our co-chairs and leadership team discussed upcoming activities and strategies for the year., including:

  • Tabling events

  • Business opportunities

  • Engaging with other climate and environmental organizations in the area

  • Upcoming events and options for submitting new events

Chapter Zoom Meeting
Thursday Feb 15th, 2024 6:30-7:30pm

IRA and BIL Incentives for Small Businesses and Nonprofits
Dean Barone - Texas Climate Reality Chapter
Andrew Ellis - Los Angeles Climate Reality Chapter


Dean Barone, former chair of the Houston, Texas Climate Reality chapter and Andrew Ellis (an environmental scientist) from the Los Angeles chapter will update us on the incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) for small businesses and nonprofits.

“The Climate Reality Project entrusted a group of Climate Leaders with a transformative mission: to inspire business leaders to take just, inclusive, and sustainable actions in response to their companies’ impact on the climate crisis. Since 2017, the Climate Business Working Group (CBWG) has successfully worked with Climate Leaders worldwide to bring awareness to the business community.

Fast forward to 2023. The CBWG partnered with the Our Climate Moment team to create and lead the Climate Business Action campaign. This campaign aims to introduce the benefits and opportunities of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) targeted to small businesses.

The campaign is scheduled to be rolled out in 2024. Dean and Andrew will give an exclusive sneak peek into the new Climate Business Action – IRA slide deck, tools, and resources to the Central Minnesota Chapter Climate Leaders. Moreover, you’ll gain insights into how to actively contribute to helping your favorite small businesses take advantage of the IRA tax benefits. ...”

Thursday Jan. 11th, 2024 6:30-7:30pm
En-ROADS Program Update
Speaker: Bill Middlecamp, Presentation Team


Bill Middlecamp of the chapter presentation team will gave us an update on the latest development with the En-Roads program:

"En-ROADS is a global climate simulator that allows users to explore the impact that dozens of policies—such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices—have on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise.

Developed by Climate Interactive, the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative, and Ventana Systems, En-ROADS is a system dynamics model carefully grounded in the best available science, and has been calibrated against a wide range of existing integrated assessment, climate, and energy models. En-ROADS runs on an ordinary laptop in a fraction of a second, is freely available online, offers an intuitive user-friendly interface, and is available in over a dozen languages.

En-ROADS helps people make connections between things they care about and the possibilities available to help ensure a resilient future. Users can quickly see the long-term effects of the global climate policies and actions they imagine. The goal? To break through the noise and equip elected officials, business leaders, and others with the knowledge they need to implement equitable and high-leverage climate solutions."

Saturday Dec. 2nd, 2023 11-2pm
In-Person Holiday Pot Luck at the Bryce Hamilton Studio


This event was held on Saturday, Dec 2nd between 11am and 2pm for the Central MN Chapter Holiday Gathering at the Bryce Hamilton Studios:

3112 West 28th Street

Minneapolis MN

Signup below to bring your tastiest dish (although dropping by is perfectly fine too). We'll have BBQ meatballs and a slow cook Mac 'n Cheese for the pasta lovers out there. Plus, join in on a rousing medley of climate themed holiday-based songs (Work in Progress...). RSVP to to let us know you are coming, and be sure to click the button below to let us know what you are bringing:

Climate Bells


Dashing through the slush, on a warming winter's day,

In a world we're trying to save, for a better way.

The planet's getting hot, our climate's out of whack,

But we can make a change, and take our planet back.


Climate change, climate change, it's time for us to act,

Our habits and our ways, to get our future back.

What a world it’d be, if we could all unite,

Fighting for some cleaner air, to make a world that's bright.

In a fossil-fueled world, we must choose a different course,

Renewable energy, our mighty driving force.

Solar panels on our roofs, wind turbines spinning high,

Reducing emissions, as we reach for the sky.


So let's all do our part, for the Earth we hold so dear,

It's time to change our ways, and let our future steer.

With love and care, we'll mend the damage that's been done,

And sing a song of hope, for a world where all are one.


Decks the Warming Halls


Deck the halls with green solutions,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

'Tis the season of resolutions,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

See the wind turbines turning 'round,

Solar panels on rooftops found,

Reduce, reuse, recycle now,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

In the garden, plant a tree,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Help the bees and butterflies roam free,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Turn off lights when you're not around,

Save our planet, let's astound,

Join the fight for a cleaner world,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Deck the halls with climate care,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Together we can all prepare,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Spread the word, inspire one another,

For a greener Earth, let's be the buffer,

Reduce, reuse, recycle now,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Hey, where is the Bryce Hamilton Studio anyway?

Bryce Hamilton Studio.jpg

Thursday Nov. 9th, 2023 6:30pm Zoom Meeting
Topic: Decarbonizing Buildings:  Inflation Reduction Act Impact
Speaker: Robert Ed, Darcy Sustainable Heating and Cooling


The Inflation Reduction Act includes several updates to existing policies that improve the project economics for geothermal.  Coupling policy and new technologies will provide a catalyst for geothermal growth over the next decade.  This presentation will outline one new technology from Darcy Solutions, groundwater based geothermal, and why it is a fit for dense urban settings.  It will also outline the improved economics for projects and why that is so crucial to lowering emissions.

About the Speaker: Robert Ed is Darcy Solutions’ Director of Strategic Marketing, responsible for commercialization of the technology and scaling the business.  He was most recently leading strategy and marketing for an industry leading solar photovoltaic organization and has many years of experience in renewable energy and climate tech.  Robert is very passionate about solving the climate crisis and improving the economy simultaneously by deploying existing technology.  He joined Darcy to focus specifically on the challenge of decarbonizing buildings.  His educational background includes an BS in business and communications and an MBA from the University of Minnesota.  

View Presentation Here!

Green Fertilizer

Thursday Oct 12th 6:30 PM Chapter Zoom Meeting

Featured Speaker: Michael Reese

Research Lead of Green Ammonia, West Central Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota

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Green hydrogen and ammonia opens many possibilities and opportunities for the State of Minnesota and the surrounding regions.  These possibilities range from the production of green fertilizer, green iron and steel, energy storage, green concrete, and e-fuels such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and methanol.  However, this has been true for decades so what has changed?  Through the years, advancements in technologies have helped to provide a pathway towards implementation and the recent passage of federal policies and incentives have made green hydrogen a reality, clearing the way for development over the next couple decades.

About the Speaker:

Michael currently serves as the Renewable Hydrogen and Ammonia Research Lead and heads the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) as the Director of Operations.  The WCROC is a 1,100 acre agricultural experiment station located in western Minnesota near the community of Morris that focuses on crop, dairy, swine, horticulture, and renewable energy research.     


For over 23 years, Michael set the strategic direction and oversaw the development of the renewable energy program at WCROC.  He has participated as principle investigator on over $30 million of research and demonstration projects including wind energy, biomass gasification, renewable hydrogen and ammonia, and solar energy systems.  He led the renewable energy program’s strategy to reduce fossil energy consumption in agricultural production systems through incorporating renewable and efficient energy technologies.  In 2013, Michael led the development, commissioning, and operation of the first-in-the-world wind-to-ammonia pilot plant.   The ammonia is used for nitrogen fertilizer but also is an effective hydrogen carrier.  To that end, Michael has participated in several hydrogen- and ammonia-fuel projects primarily revolving around agricultural applications.  These experiences have provided a unique perspective on the production and utilization of green hydrogen and ammonia as well as the development of several key relationships.         


As a member of the University’s Climate Smart Municipality program, he continues to work with community partners in Morris and Saerbeck, Germany on issues related to clean energy, energy efficiency, water quality, recycling, waste reduction, waste water treatment, and public education of these issues.  His qualifications include a mix of academic, research, and business experiences and he has been an invited speaker for numerous national and regional conferences on the topic of renewable energy.  

Smart Electric Grids & Microgrids:

Lessons Learned and Pathways Forward

Thursday Sept 14th 6:30 PM Chapter Zoom Meeting

Featured Speaker: Dr. Massoud Amin

President of Energy Policy and Security Associates and

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the

University of Minnesota


Our chapter hosted an overview of smart grid and microgrid technology, including methods for increasing resilience of our current electrical infrastructure and challenges and opportunities for future developments.

About the Speaker: Dr. Massoud Amin, IEEE and ASME Fellow, is president of Energy Policy and Security Associates, a professor emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor Award Recipient, at the University of Minnesota. He is widely credited as being the “father of the smart grid”, and a cyber-physical security leader, who led the development of 24 technologies transferred to industry and directed all security-related R&D for all North American utilities after the 9/11 tragedies. In fact, he was at a meeting less than a mile from the Pentagon, discussing disaster risk management with White House OSTP, U.S. DoD officials, and representative of other agencies when the terrorist attacks took place on September 11, 2001.

Thursday Aug 10th 6:30 PM Chapter Zoom Meeting

Featured Speaker: Anna Johnson

Senior Manager, State and Local Affairs from Fresh Energy

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Minnesota—and the United States—have a better shot at reaching critical greenhouse gas reduction goals than ever before. Between changes at the federal level (with the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), and results of the most recent legislative session, the climate policy landscape in Minnesota has improved dramatically.


In the presentation, Anna Johnson of Fresh Energy gives an overview of the new opportunities available.

About the Speaker: As Senior Manager, State and Local Affairs on the Public Affairs team, Anna Johnson assists the government affairs director in conducting Fresh Energy’s government affairs efforts and providing policy analysis across multiple programs. Before joining Fresh Energy, Anna co-founded an environmental education nonprofit, worked at the Minnesota House of Representatives, was a Research Assistant with the Minnesota Prison Doula Project, and interned at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. She has a Master of Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and a Bachelor of Arts from Colorado College. Anna is an avid outdoor enthusiast. She canoed the full length of the Mississippi River in 2013 and paddled from Chicago to St. Louis on the Illinois River in 2014.

Click here to view the video!

Home Energy Audits

Thursday June 22nd 6:30 PM Chapter Zoom Meeting

Featured Speaker: Gerardo Roca

Outreach Specialist with Minnesota Center for Energy and Environment

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The Inflation Reduction provides incentives for a variety of energy efficient home improvements. To kickstart this process, the first step is to assess the energy needs of your home. This evaluation will help inform decisions on you plan to make energy efficient upgrades to your home, and how to maximize the credits and rebates provided by the IRA and other programs.

Gerardo Roca of MNCEE will helps explain the process, and helps you to explain to others in your community how they can begin the process of reducing home energy use and the burning of fossil fuels.

About the speaker: As an outreach specialist, Gerardo assists with increasing awareness of and participation in CEE's residential programs by building relationships and conducting community-based marketing.

Click below to view the presentation, and to download presentation and additional info from CEE.

May 20, 2023 11am-2pm
Open House at the Bryce Hamilton Studios

Posted Mar 11 2023



Bryce Hamilton Studios

3112 W. 28th Street Mpls MN


That table can sure hold a lot of potluck

And who is this Bryce Hamilton?

Bryce Hamilton is the owner of the building, but also one of the founding members of Earth Day. Bryce's role was to answer the letters from school children with information about creating their own Earth Day events. The building was originally used for the creation of amish quilts. Now, Bryce has graciously allowed the use of the building for environmental groups. The building also features the photographic art by a local photographer, large space downstairs for project work, and a full kitchen.

From Acts to Action:

The Inflation Reduction Act

Thursday, May 11, 2023   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Chapter presentation on the Inflation Reduction Act

As you know, the burning of fossil fuels is rapidly changing our climate, with severe consequences. Thanks to historic climate legislation, we now have a chance to prevent the worse scenarios from happening. However, it will take ALL HANDS ON DECK!

Over the last month, our chapter gained 40 new members, many from the IRA training.  It appears that at least 42 of our members attended the IRA training!

Over the last two years, Climate Reality has focused on getting climate legislation passed.  Sadly, only 32% of likely voters are even aware that the Inflation Reduction Act was mainly climate legislation.  While the legislation provides huge tax credits and rebates for weatherization and electrification, most people don’t know about it.

Join us for an overview of the actions to promote the benefits of this legislation, and take advantage of the provisions of the legislation to help you electrify your home. We also want to extend a warm welcome to our new chapter members.


Thursday, April 20, 2023   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

A Seat for Everyone at the Table:

Building a Healthy, Equitable and Local Food System


Featured Speaker: Moses Viveros

Public Health Specialist with the Health Department for the City of Minneapolis


Food insecurity can affect anyone but it disproportionally affects individuals and communities that hold marginalized identities. This presentation will examine food access inequities and how Homegrown Minneapolis has been working to facilitate conversations and coordinate action around building a healthy, equitable, and local food system.

About the Speaker:

Moses (they/them/theirs) is a Public Health Specialist with the Health Department at the City of Minneapolis. In their role, they work under the Homegrown Minneapolis initiative to manage relationships and contracts with food security partners while also supporting development of the Minneapolis Food Vision and other projects.


They originally come from Chicago, where they received their BA in Sustainability Studies at Roosevelt University and then completed their MA in Food Studies and MBA at Chatham University in Pittsburgh. They also serve on the Board of Directors at the Seward Co-op in Minneapolis. Moses has extensive experience working with a variety of start-ups, movements, organizations, and nonprofits that are centered around principles of food sovereignty.

Thursday, March 9, 2023   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

The Minneapolis Biochar Program


Featured Speaker: Jim Doten

Carbon Sequestration Program Manager for the City of Minneapolis


Carbon dioxide levels continue to rise in our atmosphere. The blanket of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to warm the planet and alter our climate. The effect on our planet is dramatic and dangerous, requiring immediate action. Most climate work focuses on reducing emissions to achieve carbon neutrality. We also need to work on draw down, reducing carbon dioxide levels.  The Minneapolis Carbon Sequestration Program uses carbon negative actions to remove and sequester carbon. We do this through biochar, a special type of charcoal made by heating waste biomass in the absence of oxygen. Our program turns wood waste into biochar. The city uses biochar as a valuable soil amendment to turn our infrastructure into carbon sinks.

About the Speaker: Jim is a licensed Professional Geologist with 36 years of experience in the environmental field. In addition to his undergraduate degree in Geology, Jim has a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management. He has over 20 years of environmental consulting experience and has been with the Minneapolis Health Department for the past 12 years. Jim spent a year in southern Afghanistan with the Army National Guard as a Hydrologist on an Agri-Business Development Team. It was during this time that he first explored biochar to improve soil health. Jim has continued his biochar with Minneapolis where he is Carbon Sequestration Program Manager.

Thursday, February 9, 2023   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

The (Energy efficient, Electric) Heat is On:

Air Source Heat Pumps


Featured Speaker: Alexis Troschinetz, Behavioral Science and Evaluation Manager

CERTs - University of MN Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and Extension


Interested in learning more about air source heat pumps? Join this session for an introduction about how air source heat pumps work in Minnesota's cold climate for heating and how they are a great option when adding or replacing air conditioning. Stories of Minnesotans adopting heat pumps in their homes will be shared, including what was concerning and appealing about this energy efficient electric home heating and cooling option. Anticipated technology improvements and heat pump uses beyond home heating and cooling will be covered. Attendees will leave with project planning tools to help take the next steps toward getting an air source heat pump at their home or property.

About the Speaker: Alexis Troschinetz has served statewide as the Behavioral Science and Evaluation Manager with CERTs at the University of Minnesota’s Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and Extension for 10 years. She infuses behavior change science into CERTs programs; builds relationships and offers programming to utilities; and evaluates CERTs’ programs by tracking quantitative and qualitative metrics. Alexis loves the outdoors and backpacking, holds a professional engineering license, and obtained a B.S. and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University, Sustainable Futures Institute.

View the video!

Thursday, January 12, 2023   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

How Do Your Socks Relate to Climate Change?


Featured Speaker: Maddy Bartsch, Three Rivers Fibershed


Perhaps you're wondering what socks have to do with climate change, well, it turns out quite a lot! With the recent completion of the Three Rivers Fibershed's (TRF) Soil to Sock Challenge, Maddy Bartsch of TRF walks us through how the textiles we wear (yes, even your socks) intersect with a number of issues that contribute to climate change. Grab your favorite pair of socks and learn about how your socks can be a part of one solution to climate change. 

About the Speaker: Maddy Bartsch (they/she) is a farmer, educator and organizer of decentralized textile economies based in Minneapolis. Maddy has helped a broad range of clients navigate local textile economies through projects like the Minnesota Hemp Wool Project, the TRF Regional Fiber Sourcebook, the National Mill Inventory Survey, and as a Yarn Incubator for Fibershed. In addition to fiber systems, Maddy’s work includes tackling food systems as the Community Connector for the Cannon River chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association. More recently, Maddy received a Farmer-Rancher SARE grant which has enabled them to focus on 2 years of research around building a natural dye cooperative in the Midwest. Maddy speaks on the topic of local fiber systems and sustainable textiles and teaches fiber arts classes to learners of all ages throughout the Midwest. 

Watch the presentation!

Thursday, November 10, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Forest Management and Tree Planting for Climate Change Mitigation


Featured Speaker: Lee E. Frelich, Director of the University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology

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Forests store large amounts of carbon, and optimal management of forests and expansion of forest cover could help mitigate future climate change by sequestering carbon. We examined the forest management and tree planting practices that have the potential to draw down atmospheric CO2, as well as their limitations. GreenAgain Madagascara tropical rainforest restoration project associated with the University of Minnesota, will be highlighted as an example of expanding forest cover in a deforested area.  

About the Speaker: Lee E. Frelich is Director of the University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology. He received a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1986. Frelich has authored more than 200 publications with 287 coauthors from 26 countries, including major works for Cambridge University Pressand Oxford University Press. He is listed among the top 1% of all scientists in the world in the Ecology and Environment category by the Web of Science. His research has been featured in the news media 500 times, including such venues as The New York Times, Newsweek and Washington Post. Frelich has provided consulting services on forest management for the U.S. Army, Air Force, National Forest Service, and National Park Service. Current research interests include large-scale fire and wind, earthworm invasion, and climate change in temperate and boreal forests.

Click here to view recording!

Thursday, October 13, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Climate-Poverty Connections:

How can climate solutions advance human well-being and contribute to poverty alleviation


Featured Speaker: Carissa Patrone Maikuri, Program Coordinator with Drawdown Lift


We heard from Carissa Patrone Maikuri, Program Coordinator with Drawdown Lift, a program of Project Drawdown, who discussed findings from Project Drawdown's new landmark report, "Climate–Poverty Connections: Opportunities for synergistic solutions at the intersection of planetary and human well-being". Carissa shared concrete evidence of how climate solutions can also contribute to meeting human well-being needs and alleviating poverty in rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and how policymakers and decision-makers can take action.


About the Speaker: Carissa Patrone Maikuri is a passionate connector and Program Coordinator with Drawdown Lift, the newest program of Project Drawdown that works to deepen collective understanding of the links between climate change solutions and poverty alleviation, particularly in Africa and South Asia. She has over ten years of experience in community-driven development, sustainability, equity, and climate change. She earned a Master of Public Administration degree with an emphasis in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from Grand Valley State University and holds a certificate in Climate Change and Health from the Yale School of Public Health. In her spare time, she can be found running around one of the lakes in the Twin Cities or reading a good book outside.

View recording!

Thursday, September 15, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Beyond Recycling and Composting:

Opportunities and Barriers on the Road to Zero Waste

Featured Speaker: Kellie Kish, Recycling Coordinator for the City of Minneapolis


Kellie Kish provided an overview of the City of Minneapolis residential collection programs and shared why recycling and composting aren’t enough to meet city, county and state waste diversion goals. She shared hopeful insights from a 2020 study asking residents how their behaviors have changed since the start of the pandemic, and discussed some challenges and opportunities to meeting goals, and looked ahead to what’s next for Minneapolis and for the state. 

About the Speaker: Kellie Kish has worked as Recycling Coordinator for the City of Minneapolis for 9 years. Her primary job duties include program development and outreach for the City’s residential waste reduction, reuse, recycling, organics programs. She was involved in the development of the City’s Zero Waste Plan, Green to Go packaging ordinance and Bring Your Own Bag ordinance. Kellie initiated the development of the Minnesota Composting Council, the official state chapter of the US Composting Council, and has served on its board of directors since its development. She’s passionate about waste reduction and educating residents to take steps to reduce their environmental impact.

View recording!

Thursday, August 11, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

What is happening with the climate?

Featured Speaker: Dr. John Abraham, Climate Researcher from the University of St Thomas

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Dr. John Abraham will provide an update to what is happening in the climate, how fast it is changing, and what can be done about it.

About the Speaker: Dr. John Abraham is a climate researcher at the University of St. Thomas. Much of his research focuses on the world’s oceans.  His research team has measured how fast the oceans are warming and what the consequences will be in the future.  He also co-founded a company that uses sunlight to make drinking water in the developing world.  In addition, he writes about climate change in the Guardian.

View the recording now!

Thursday, July 14, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

A Green New Deal for Minneapolis

Featured Speaker: Kristel Porter, Executive Director of Minnesota Renewable Now


In this presentation, Kristel Porter discussed building a grassroots campaign focusing on Climate Change and using it to influence policymakers across the entire city, to move local environmental policy - fast!

About the Speaker: Kristel Porter is the Executive Director of MN Renewable Now and was formerly the Executive Director of Cleveland Neighborhood Association. She has started different environmentally focused initiatives such as Clean City Youth, which taught youth about waste and how to take care of the environment, as well as Cycle Sisters, which is a program that hosts regular group bike rides for BIPOC women. 

Kristel was one of the founders of United Black Legislative Agenda, which was instrumental in the passing of the Urban Ag Bill. In 2020 Kristel planted over 300 trees and worked with the Family of Trees to plant over 1500 white spruces, red maples, and river birches. This initiative is to help mitigate the CO2 in North Minneapolis which also addresses the heat Island Effect. Currently Kristel is working to address racial equity through a “block by block” initiative to retrofit 24 rooftops with solar per year in North Minneapolis slated to start implementation in spring 2022.

View the recording of the presentation here!

Thursday, June 9, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Decarbonization of the Natural Gas Sector: Updates

Featured Speaker: J. Drake Hamilton, Senior Director of Science Policy at Fresh Energy

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J. works at the core of Fresh Energy's commitment to keeping Minnesota on the path to a clean energy future and helping the state meet its climate goals. In early 2022, Minnesota Power proposed a 15-year plan that includes building a new fossil gas plant by 2027. Fresh Energy and our partners in the Clean Energy Organizations have filed evidence that a new gas plant is unnecessary for reliability and increases climate and financial risk. We have filed our Preferred Plan that replaces the new gas plant before 2030 with 600 megawatts of solar and 100 megawatts of wind, as well as battery storage. Regulators at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will choose the path forward in 2022.

About the Speaker: J. Drake Hamilton is an expert in climate and energy policy at the state and national levels. Fresh Energy's mission is to shape and drive bold policy solutions for achieving equitable, carbon-neutral economies. Their vision is a just, prosperous, and resilient clean energy future where all can thrive. J.'s responsibilities include advancing clean energy solutions to global warming that will maximize economic opportunities.


J. has represented Fresh Energy at six global climate summits. In 2021 she spent 2 weeks at the Glasgow, Scotland climate summit, where she led a panel of 5 Midwesterns addressing two global audiences. She appears frequently in the media, including television, Minnesota Public Radio, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

Click here to watch the recording!

Saturday, May 21, 2022   11:00am - 1:00pm     

Special Event!


In-Person Meeting

Sheridan Park Picnic Shelter

6500 Upton Ave S Richfield MN


Our first in-person gathering ever for this chapter was held Saturday, May 21st from 11am-1pm at the Sheridan Park Picnic Shelter in Richfield, Minnesota. In attendance were:

- Mary Britton

- Charlie Cox

- Lincoln Fetcher

- Sarah Fourre

- Tim Fremouw

- Anna Larsson

- Jean Strehlow

- Jason Torgerson


Impossible Burger Grilling Instructions


  • Leave Impossible Burger patties frozen

  • Prepare a two-zone fire, with a medium-hot section and a medium section


  • Sea Salt

  • Course Ground Pepper

  • Garlic Salt

  • Onion Powder


  • Set the patties on the medium-hot section, searing on each side for 1-2 minutes. Lightly season both sides of patty.

  • Then move to the medium section, cooking for an additional 3-5 minutes per side.

  • Patties are done when internal temp reaches 160 F.

Serve with lettuce, fresh sliced tomato, sliced pickles and red onion for best flavor.

Thursday, May 12, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Main Topic: Learning from City Climate Action Plans Across Minnesota

Featured Speaker: Kate Knuth, founder of Democracy and Climate LLC

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The 100% Campaign has released a report reviewing city climate action plans in Minnesota. This report compares the planning work of 13 cities and one county that have created Climate Action Plans in Minnesota. In this presentation you will get an overview of city climate action plans in Minnesota, best practices for these plans, and ideas to support and push for local climate action leadership. The 100% Campaign is a coalition advocating for equitable climate action in Minnesota.

About the Speaker: Dr. Kate Knuth is the founder of Democracy and Climate LLC and has worked on research, policy, and solutions at the intersection of climate change and civic life. She served 6 years on the Minnesota House of Representatives, built leadership programming at the UMN Institute on the Environment, and was the first Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Minneapolis. She was a Minneapolis mayoral candidate in 2021. Dr. Knuth earned her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota studying how to drive the kinds of transformative change needed for a more just, sustainable future.


Thursday,  April 14, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Short Talks Topic:  Calculate Your True Home Heating Requirements

Speaker: Bill Middlecamp, CMC Presentation team member and trained Climate Reality leader

Click HERE to view a video of the presentation!


Bill Middlecamp, a member of CMC’s leadership team, shared his method for calculating a home’s true heating needs. 

Thursday,  March 10, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Main Topic:  Sustainability isn’t hard…it’s just not simple

Featured Speaker: Wendy Jedlička, CPP, ISSP-SA


Too often folks think if they're recycling, using LED bulbs, and eating organic, that's all they can do. These misconceptions applied to personal choices get carried into professional practice. There is much more to sustainability than that. While applied sustainability isn’t hard to do, it’s just not simple. How do sustainability practitioners take things to the next level and position us to not just do less bad, but create more good? 


About the Speaker: With a strong background in design, manufacturing, and business, Wendy Jedlička, CPP, ISSP-SA is an IoPP Lifetime Certified Packaging Professional, a certified ISSP Sustainability Associate, and president of Jedlička Design — a packaging design firm specializing in sustainable design and business strategies. Additionally, she is co-coordinator for the o2 International Network for Sustainable Design in the US, and develops curriculum as well as teaches courses focusing on sustainable design, marketing, and business. An internationally recognized speaker, Jedlička writes feature articles on applied sustainability for design and business publications around the world, and is the contributing editor of two books: "Packaging Sustainability” and "Sustainable Graphic Design.” And Applied Sustainability chapter author for “Handbook of Sustainable Design.”

Click HERE to view the video of the presentation!

Short Talks Topic:  Home Carbon Footprint Reduction

Speaker: Mary Britton, Chapter Member and Trained Climate Reality Leader

Following Wendy Jedlička's presentation, chapter member Mary Britton discussed how she was able to reduce natural gas use in her home, shrinking its total carbon footprint by 38%.

Click HERE to view the video of the presentation!

Thursday,  February 10, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm     

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Main Topic:  Hiding in Plain Sight - Rail as a Solution for Climate, Localization & Resilience

Featured Speaker: Bill Moyer, co-author of Solutionary Rail


A scrappy grassroots campaign emerged from fights against fossil fuel transport in the Pacific Northwest. Published in 2016, Solutionary Rail proposes a higher purpose for our nation’s railroad infrastructure, transforming the way we use trains and the corridors they travel through.  


Bill Moyer is the co-founder and executive director of the Backbone Campaign. Bill and his colleagues have designed and produced hundreds of creative protests and trained thousands of change agents. He is a lifelong activist and musician. His creative approach to activism has included kayaks, spotlights, giant banners, props and puppets. 


Solutionary Rail is a grand strategic project that leads with a positive vision for the future. Bill lives with his wife and dog in the woods of Vashon Island, the ancestral land of the Puyallup people, near Seattle.


Per Bill McKibben: "Rail electrification, as proposed in this remarkable book, is that rarest of things: a genuinely new idea, and one that makes immediate gut sense."

Click HERE to view further details, including a video of the event!

Short Talks Topic:  Sustainable Fashion

Speaker: Wendi Russo, Chapter Member and Trained Climate Reality Leader

Following Bill Moyer's presentation, chapter member Wendi Russo covered sustainability efforts in the world of fashion.

Click HERE to view further details, including a video of the event!

Thursday,  January 13, 2022   6:30pm - 7:30pm   

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting

Topic 1:  Community Solar

Featured Speaker: Timothy DenHerder-Thomas

Click HERE to view further details, including a video recording of the event!

Topic 2:  Chapter Elections

The 2022 candidates each introduced themselves and gave an introductory presentation on their background and motivation for joining the leadership team.


Voting was done online, using OpaVote.

Wednesday,  December 8, 2021   6:30pm - 7:30pm   

Our regular CHAPTER Zoom meeting


Topic:  What happened at COP26?!


Featured Speakers: CMC Members Eric Meyer (Generation Atomic) and J. Drake Hamilton (Fresh Energy) shared their insights about achievements and opportunities during the COP 26 event.


Click HERE to view further details, including a video recording of the event!

Monday,  November  8, 2021   7pm - 8:30pm CST  

Special Meeting: In lieu of a November chapter meeting, we co-hosted a special event focused on Climate Solutions.


Topic:  Achieving Drawdown – A Hopeful, Science-Based Approach to "Stop" Climate Change.


Featured speaker:  Dr. Jonathan Foley, executive director of Project Drawdown


Click HERE to view further details, including a video recording of the event!

Event Archives

2020-2021 CMC Events

© 2024 by the Central Minnesota Chapter of The Climate Reality Project. 

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