Home Energy Audits
Speaker: Gerardo Roca
Outreach Specialist with Minnesota Center for Energy and Environment
June 22 2023
The Inflation Reduction provides incentives for a variety of energy efficient home improvements. To kickstart this process, the first step is to assess the energy needs of your home. This evaluation will help inform decisions on you plan to make energy efficient upgrades to your home, and how to maximize the credits and rebates provided by the IRA and other programs.
Gerardo Roca of MNCEE will helps explain the process, and helps you to explain to others in your community how they can begin the process of reducing home energy use and the burning of fossil fuels.
About the speaker: As an outreach specialist, Gerardo assists with increasing awareness of and participation in CEE's residential programs by building relationships and conducting community-based marketing.
Click below to view the presentation, and to download presentation and additional info from CEE.